Dribodep Cash Loans (PTY)LTD - Dribodep Cash Loans (PTY)LTD

Cheap Company Registrations In South Africa

Company Information

  1. Dribodep Cash Loans (PTY)LTD is a 2024 NCR accredited company for money lending
  2. The money lending company comes with a tax clearance certificate, share certificate, BEE Affidavit and NCR certificate
  3. Director changes and address changes are done for you within 15 minutes
  4. All docs including MOI are sent to you electronically to print, you are then ready to trade in money lending


Benefits of purchasing this company

  1. Dribodep Cash Loans (PTY)LTD is a 2024 accredited company for money lending
  2. The money lending company comes with a tax clearance certificate, share certificate, BEE Affidavit and certificate
  3. Director changes and address changes are done for you within 15 minutes
  4. All docs including MOI are sent to you electronically to print, you are then ready to trade in money lending
  5. The first annual report will be done for free (valued at R3000) at the time of annual renewal (excl financials statements, which will be charged)
  6. R13 500 – no better value in the market